Latest - May 2023

Our most recent visit was in May 2023.

With this Report visit, Ofsted recognised that in our school :

Pupils develop strong values at Stoke St Michael School. They are proud advocates of the school’s learning ‘powers’, which help them to make good choices. Pupils have a keen sense of fairness. They value difference. Leaders prioritise pupils’ well-being. Pupils trust adults to keep them safe. They say ‘everyone is kind’ at school.

Pupils enjoy taking on responsibilities, for example by being sports captains and ‘eco-warriors’. Pupils are well prepared to be responsible citizens. They are proud of their fundraising    for a new pond area in school, for example. The curriculum is enriched by visits and visitors. Pupils attend a range of clubs to develop their interests, including chess, baking and sports clubs.

Leaders are passionate about promoting a love of reading. Staff choose books which deepen pupils’ vocabulary. Pupils love listening to stories and talk enthusiastically about their favourite books and authors. Children in the early years learn a wide range of stories, rhymes, and songs. Leaders have established a consistent approach to the teaching of phonics. Children learn to read and spell from the start of the Reception Inspection report: Stoke St Michael Primary School 23 and 24 May 2023 3 Year. Staff make careful checks on pupils’ learning. They provide extra help to pupils who do not keep pace with the school’s programme. Older pupils deepen their understanding of challenging texts.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) take part in the full curriculum alongside their peers. Leaders identify and assess their needs carefully. Pupils with social and emotional needs receive targeted support, including from specialist staff.

Pupils learn about people from different backgrounds. They know the importance of tolerance and mutual respect. Pupils understand how to keep themselves physically and mentally healthy. They value the time they have to reflect on their mental health. Pupils talk with well-trained adults if they have a worry. Pupils enjoy the many clubs and trips on offer, including a residential visit to Kilve Court.

'Leaders and those responsible for governance are taking effective action in order for the school to become a good school.' OFSTED May 2021.

Ofsted Report - Visit 23rd and 24th May - Click here for the report

Ofsted Monitoring Visit - May 2021 - Click here for the report 

Click here for link to Ofsted Site.